Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×02 Lonely Hearts

I have always enjoyed this episode, it’s not as good as the pilot but it was able to maintain that same darkness and detective atmosphere of the first episode. Also like the idea of a demon that preys on the lonely, reminds me of The X-Files. Main reason why I like it is that it maintains a level of wit throughout a dark, depressing episode. But it does have many flaws.

Quote: The last thing I want is to show up at the office and find that I’m working for a homicidal monster. – Cordelia

– Angel in the dark
– Cordy’s design for Angel’s business cards
– Doyle’s vision
– Angel connecting with Kate through awkwardness
– The fact that the sex is always bad
– The fight of Angel and the demon
– Kate turning out to be a cop
– Doyle’s visit to Cordelia’s apartment
– The music montage with “Touched” from Vast
– The bartender’s face coming off
– The failed Batman with Angel’s lasso
– Setting the demon on fire
– Angel being left happily in the dark
Rating: 7/10

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