The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone Season 1

The Twilight Zone: 1×07 The Lonely

The first episode that I don’t really care about, it’s about a lonesome man imprisoned on an empty planet. He is given a beautiful robot girl to keep him company and he falls for her reluctantly. Robot stories rarely work for me and this is no exception, didn’t get much out of it and there was no twist like with most episodes.

Quote: I’m sick of being mocked by the memory of women. And that’s all you are. A reminder to me that I’m so lonely I’m about to lose my mind. – James

“Witness if you will a dungeon made out of mountains salt flats and sand that stretch to infinity. The dungeon has an inmate; James A. Corry and this is his residence, metal shack. An old touring car that squats in the sun and goes nowhere, for there is nowhere to go. For the record let it be know that James A. Corry is a convicted criminal placed in solitary confinement. Confinement in this case stretches as far as the eye can see because this particular dungeon is on an asteroid nine million miles from the earth. Now witness if you will a mans mind and body shriveling in the sun, a man dying of loneliness.”
– Lonely prisoner on a far away planet
– Self-made chess game
– Robot girl with human emotions
– Wiping away the tears of Alicia
– Bonding with the robot
– Trying to save her after developing feelings
“On a microscopic piece of sand that floats through space is a fragment of a man’s life. Left to rust is the place he lived in and the machines he used. Without use, they will disintegrate from the wind and the sand and the years that act upon them; all of Mr. Corry’s machines—including the one made in his image, kept alive by love, but now obsolete in the Twilight Zone.”
Rating: 5/10

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