Survivor Survivor Season 1

Survivor: 1×11 Long Hard Days

Even though the last Pagong member being voted off was predictable and unfortunate, the episode itself wasn’t predictable as much. The alliance was prepared to slay one of their own over Colleen, not sure why they didn’t end up doing that but at least they were debating it. There were a lot of great moments here, like Sean seeing his father and the immunity challenge.

Quote: I love trivia but I suck at it, and I’m real slow at the buzzer, but you know I was thinking last night. This is going to be so cool, like we’re on a game show. Then I was like, wait a minute we’re on a game show! – Colleen

– Colleen’s fucked up legs ;_;
– Colleen being the last of a dying breed
– The Pagong down memory line
– Colleen’s revelation of being ON a game show
– Sean offering Kelly for reward and taking Rich instead
– Naked Sean
– Sean’s daddy
– Rudy’s hat
– Rich and Colleen singing at the challenge
– Kelly vs Colleen
– Rich openly strategizing in front of a challenge
– Sean spelling Colleen’s name as Cooleen
– Colleen’s “play nice” goodbye ;_;
Rating: 8.5/10

Cast Ranking 

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