Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×07 The Bachelor Party

This episode suffers from lazy writing. The first 20 minutes were on their way to be my favorite episode up to that point. There seemed to be character development for both Cordy and Doyle. It was cute, funny and pretty exciting. But then then Bachelor Party thing happened and the episode took a turn for the worse. For a character as great as Doyle, I cannot comprehend why of all the episodes they could have given him they did THIS.

Quote: Hi Doyle. Are you gonna become loser pining guy, like, full time? ‘Cuz we already have one of those around the office. – Cordelia

– Cordy being all dolled up
– Doyle morphing during a fight
– Cordy biting the vamp
– Doyle saving Cordy
– Cordy developing feelings for Doyle
– Maybe you don’t have zero potential. – Cordy
– Come meet’s Doyle’s wife – Cordy / Nice to meet you – Angel / :fiery: – Cordy
– Pornographic picture time
– I’d be honored to eat your brains
– Cordy smashing demon Doyle <3 Look what they did to you! – Cordelia
– Who needs a wife whose knees only bend the one way?
– Cordy trying to cheer up her friends by totally bashing them
– Nice guys don’t always finish last. ;_;
– Doyle’s vision of Buffy
Rating: 6/10

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