Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×07 The Merge

Merge episodes are always exciting and this was no difference. It’s a shame that Kimmi doomed her much superior tribe because Ogaboring is in fault of making this season’s endgame very boring.


Quote:  All I saw from Colby were teeth. He just seemed very cheery and very happy, and Keith seemed like a little puppy dog tail wagging behind him. – Jeff

– Kimmi told Ogakor about Jeff’s vote
– The girls night out / boys night out
– Kucha men expecting the Ogakor women
– Merge feast
– 10+ hour challenge
– Jeff checking his nails and acting super gay
– Ambuh’s pornographic ice-cream scene
– Tina giving Keith the win
– Tie between Colby and Jeff, and Jeff goes home
Rating: 8/10

Cast Ranking 

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