Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×10 Parting Gifts

The first episode without Doyle and intro of my very favorite: Wesley aka The Rogue Demon Hunter! Not nearly as charming or cute as Doyle, but certainly as entertaining. The thing about it is though, Wesley couldn’t fill the void that Doyle left. I don’t think any character ever quite did fill that void, Doyle had a chemistry with Cordy and Angel that no one else had. Wesley didn’t unify that 3-some group the same way but instead was more of a tag-along with his own silly gimmicks. I personally preferred Wesley’s darker stroyline that came much after but silly Wesley is always a good fun. As far as the episode goes, it was entertaining but not very memorable. The main plot about a demon auction is unique but hardly something to remember, what this episode does well is the character moments and that’s that.

Quote: Vampires don’t sleep in coffins. It’s a misconception made popular by hack writers and ignorant media. – Angel

– For every door that closes, another opens.
– Reversed psychology
– Coffin stereotype
– Cordelia’s commercial
– The jury’s criticism XD
– Cordy’s first vision
– Cordy kissing Angel
– Why couldn’t it be mono or herpes
– Cordy kissing Barney and spitting afterwards XD
– Wesley in leather
– He’s now a Rogue Demon Hunter
– Wesley and Cordelia’s second kiss being a big success
– Wesley’s burning crotch
– Demon spa
– Fish will die
– Cataloging gypsy flesh
– The Wolfram & Hart lady we never saw again
– Badass Wesley emerges
– Angel is a good cook for someone on a liquid diet
Rating: 6/10

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