Survivor Survivor Season 3

Survivor: 3×02 Who’s Zooming Whom?

Strong episode, same qualities that made the premiere such a success but in moderation. The Blood Drinking Challenge is a personal favorite of mine. Most of all, the great rivalry between the elders and mallrats was slowly brewing.


Quote:  You know, sometimes you can’t be a nice guy. It’s a game and the nice guy finishes last. That’s a fact. – Silas

– Lindsey’s take on Frank
– The early differences between age on Samburu
– Kim falls over during a challenge
– Jessie’s fucked up lips
– Elders trying to get Silas
– She’s so solid she’s buried in the bottom of Hoover Dam. – Frank on Linda
– Jessie trying to form a female alliance
– Frank openly strategizing / caught by Lindsey
– Lindsey trying to reassure Silas
– Silas’ diabolical smile
– The blood drinking challenge
Rating: 7.5/10

Cast Ranking 

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