I would certainly argue that this is the campiest episode of the entire series. And as a fan of camp, this was no exception. It is terribly cheesy, but so is all this crap I love watching. Having said that though, with a tiny bit more effort they could have made it campy AND good. Make it more Rosemary’s Baby and less Species. But i’m not complaining, so bad it’s good.
Quote: I learned that all men are evil. Oh, wait, I knew that. I learned that LA is full of self-serving phonies. No, had that down, too. Sex is bad? – Cordelia
– I look like the joker. – Cordy
– Wesley’s axe
– World puzzle 3D
– The Good ones are always gay
– Entering the wrong house
– Dennis trying to prevent Cordy from mating
– Threatening Dennis with Evita
– Cordy drinking blood
– Wesley, can you shoot straight?
– David & Goliath
– Wesley’s “allergies”
Rating: 5/10