Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×13 She

One of the sole episodes of the series that I plain out disliked. All Supernatural shows have their duds, some of them are horrific due bad writing and others are plain out dull and forgettable. “She” is somewhere in the middle, it isn’t painful to watch but it’s almost entirely forgettable after the first act. There is just nothing to take away from it and the fact that Bai Ling is a terrible actress doesn’t help a bit.

Quote: You know how parties are. You’re always worried that nobody’s going to be around to suck the energy out of the room like a giant black hole of boring despair. But there you were, in the clinch! – Cordelia

– In hell you tend to know a lot of people
– Wesley’s dancing
– wesley’s failure to flirt and Angel’s reaction to it (His heavy eyerolling! so amazing)
– Angel doesn’t dance
– Still dead? Know the feeling. – Angel
– The guy with his eyes popping out
– The heat wave thing, kinda hot
– I had to take a shower. – Angel
– Broken neck with one punch
– Wesley slipping over coffee beans
– I’m your faithful servant – Wesley
Rating: 3/10

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