Top 20 femme fatales. We all love them.
Marguerite Krux
If Cordelia Chase were stuck on a land with Dinosaurs, she would be like Marguerite. The problem with Marguerite is that she appeared in a mediocre show most people will probably never watch. And most of her best scenes were the back and forward insults between her and Roxton.
Quote: They’re trying to decide which one of us to dine on first. They think I’d be the most tender.
Kimber Henry
She definitely fits the “BITCH” lable. Cold-hearted miserable wreck. Also, she is the worst mother of all time and there are a lot of contenders of that one.
Quote: We have a new series coming out. It’s called “Two Girls, a Guy, and a Cumface”. It’s loosely based on our personal experience.
Kendall Casablancas
This is probably how Cordy would have ended up being had she never met Buffy or known about Vampires. Kendall is part of one of my favorite cluster-fuck families (Casablancas <333) and she owns it.
Quote: Do they, like, chemically castrate you boys over at that school? You don’t need Sex Ed; I am Sex Ed.
C.C. Babcock
Best thing about the Nanny! getting terrorized by pretty much EVERYONE (especially Niles <3) made her the star. So glamorous and sexy.
Quote: Don’t you have something to dust?
Celia Hodes
From ginormous conservative thunder cuntress to alcoholic, miserable, drug dealing prison bitch. She went through such an enormous transformation on the show and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Quote: I should’ve had an abortion.
Edie Britt
Edie defined the word. She was cruel, rich, promiscuous and cunning.
The show just wasn’t worth watching anymore without her.
Quote: If she wants to play these schoolgirl games, fine, ’cause I invented ’em!
Sophia Petrillo
Oldest bitch on the list. She liked terrorizing all the other Golden Girls, and in a way manipulated them to go her way.
Quote: I’d put Vaseline on the tips of her walker.
Paris Geller
Mean and manipulative wiach who burned bridges and took down enemies along the way.
Quote: Hey, hug a dolphin another day alright?
Gina Russo
Gina was an AMAZING thundercunt. Always appeared to have a large wooden stick up her front hole.
Quote: My tits are ripe. And this blouse is silk, stains are forever. So, I need you to suck it up.
Fierce sarcastic vampire bitch who’d be higher with a little character development.
Quote: I will give you twenty-four hours to deliver that witch to me. And if you don’t, I will personally eat, fuck and kill all three of you.
She was the most conniving person in B&S but was even MORE noteworthy in it’s prequel. Her absence will be deeply felt in places I can’t talk about.
Quote: You best get his cock inside you, or find a blade in it’s place.
Anya Jenkins
I debated whether to include Anya or not, since her bitchy selfishness came from being a recovering vengeance demon. But most of the bitches left are heroic and loveable anyways.
Quote: Here’s something you should know about vengeance demons. We don’t groove with the “sorry”. We prefer “Oh God, please stop hitting me with my own rib bones”.
Daisy Adair
Probably my favorite reaper, and that’s saying a lot. Daisy replaced another amazing bitch, Betty, and managed to outshine her.
Quote: If Romeo had just masturbated a couple of times a week he would have saved both those nice families a heap of trouble.
Nicolette Grant
Polygamist c.untress <3 Nicki is a one of a kind bitch.
She was part of the most awful/disgusting (and hilar) family ever.
Quote: Take your one testicle and fly back to your cave, you ever show up again or harass this family I swear to god I will kill you.
Lilah Morgan
Perhaps my favorite Femme Fatale of all time. She did evil SO good.
The top 5 are all major characters unfotch, but Lilah is easily one of my favorite non-main characters ever.
Quote: One more excuse from you and I am going to bury you alive, next to my house so I can hear you screaming.
Mary Cherry
She was on a mediocre show with so many forgettable characters. But Mary Cherry herself was GLORIOUS. Like, I cannot believe how hilarious this bitch was.
Quote: Let’s get one thing straight China girl. The only thing exquisite at this school is my ass!
Atia of the Julii
Atia was a truly, evil, mean bitch. She sort of developed feelings, but they were still all about her. She’s a mega thundercunt and a glorious, epic one at that.
Quote: You are swearing now that some day… some day you will destroy me… Remember, far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go and look for them now.
Lucille Bluth
Completely careless and selfish? Yep.
Washed up drunk? Yep
Ruthlessly mean to her children? YEP!
Most quotable bitch? for sure.
Quote: The little Korean is here, and I don’t know what to do with him. At least I think it’s a him. You’ve got to strip them down to next to nothing before you could even tell.
Joan Holloway
Was a strong contender for numero uno.
She started off as a major biach but has slowly morphed into a broken g.oddess.
Not nearly as snappy as she used to be, but still one heck of a woman.
Quote: I can’t wait until next year when all of you are in Vietnam. You will be pining for the day when someone was trying to make your life easier. When you’re over there, and you’re in the jungle and they’re shooting at you, remember you’re not dying for me because I never liked you.
Cordelia Chase
Even though she grew up to be quite the heroin, she never lost her sass and bitchy attitude. And when she was the queen of High School, she was at the top and OWNED it.
I loved Cordy throughout the years (evven when she was preggers).She is the woman for my dreams.
It was nice seeing you, but I’ve got to get mingly. I really should be talking to people that are somebody.
This time I sort of ran over this girl on her bike. It was the most traumatizing event of my life, and she’s trying to make it about her leg! Like my pain meant nothing.
I’m not a sniveling, whiny, little cry-Buffy. I’m the nastiest girl in Sunnydale history. I take crap from no one!