Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×15 The Prodigal

I think that this could have been one of the big greats, but instead felt rushed and with poor production. The biggest complaint would be the terrible demon design: First the homeless looking ones, then the big ugly demon with the cheesy voice. It ruined the dramatic pacing of the episode. However, for one to feature the return of Darla and the only one to give some background on Liam is hard not to appreciate. Despite it’s faults, I loved the flashbacks. We saw the birth of Angelus and the defeat of his father. It’s an episode with unfulfilled potential, but the good outweighs the bad by a large margin.

Quote: Ever since she ran me through with a two-by-four, things have been different. – Angel

– DB’s aweful Irish accent
– Christina Hendricks!
– Darla making her first appearance since Buffy Season 2
– Cordy wanting to change the alarm’s password to her birthday (just so that Angel would memorize it)
– There are not evil, evil things?
– The Becoming Part 1 flashback revision
– West-Hollywood?
– Vampires breathing
– “I’d like to be involved” – Kate “…what?” – Angel / Their great awkward chemistry
– Angelus’ birth and the killing of his family
– Kate’s dad killed by a vamp, gee wiz
– Is this the work of love? The final Darla/Angelus scene
Rating: 7/10

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