Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×20 War Zone

One of my least favorite episodes and it really shouldn’t have been, it had all the potential: Demon whores, two new characters, a black vampire killer. It should have been awesome! Gunn could’ve been this badass counterpart of Angel, David could have been a hilarious geek Andrew-style, the demon brothel could have been taken further (R-rated), Gunn’s gang could have introduced more recurring characters but instead we got one giant missed opportunity. Writers tried to keep the demon brothel sub story comedic and failed, the Gunn character had little substance and a lot of predictability, his entire gang was lifeless and uninteresting. Because of this episode I was never quite able to get the Gunn character, poor introduction and he never recovered for me. Should’a been more like Blade minus the fangs, or at least more part of the story but he never really brought anything to the table despite being a regular for four seasons.

Quote: I don’t need advise from some middle-class white dude, that’s dead – Gunn

– “You expectin’ somebody else”? – Gunn
– Angel hides money in the office
– “Are you familiar with dungeons and dragons?” – “Yeah, i’ve seen a few”. – Angel
– Demon brothel
– “Look ma, no hands”
– “Strong masculine name, it just feels good in your mouth” – Cordelia
– “I got the biggest guilt cure”
– The entire scene with Alana is good
– “Say goodbye to everything you ever knew” – “Goodbye” ;_;
– Cordy considering prostitution
– “What am i gonna tell ya, that you haven’t already learned?” – Angel
Rating: 4/10

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