Angel Angel Season 1

Angel 1×22: To Shanshu In L.A.

This is the equivalent of Buffy’s The Gift for me. An episode I loved as a child, but began to see for what it was the older I got. Yes it’s importat, and epic I guess? But it lacks soul, complexity and fun. I would rather re-watch a filler episode over it. Production-wise, it’s also quite bad. Some bad acting and cheesy dialogue but it picks up after Cordy and Wesley wind up in the hospital. The episode just didn’t age well for me or hit the right spots, but I feel obligated to appreciate it by default for the introduction of the shanshu prophecy, character development for Cordy and of course the reanimation of Darla.

Quote: Angel faces death all the time. Just like a normal guy who faces waffles and french fries. – Cordelia

– Angel’s reaction to possibly dying
– Kate morphing into a c.unt
– “What connects us with life?” – “Right now, i’m going with doughnuts”
– Wesley taking a bite out of Cordy’s doughnut
– “He’s gonna start wanting things from life whether he wants to or not!” – Cordy
– Death of the oracles
– Cordy’s first experience of killer visions
– Angel’s apartment exploding 😮
– Angel being SoRighteous to Kate
– “You never wanna be on time for a ritual” – Holland
– Lindsey losing his hand
– Cordy growing up
– The Shanshu prophecy ;_;
– Darla being summoned
Rating: 7/10


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