Survivor Survivor Season 1

Survivor: 1×06 Udder Revenge

All the Pagong stuff is funny, we got a lot of laughs out of Gervase and Joel’s sudden massive edit. We all so got to see Richard naked, which is something i’m sure everyone would like to forget.

Quote: Girls are the stupidest things on the planet, next to cows. – Gervase

– Tagi analyzing the Pagong members
– POOR Chicken slaughter
– Naked Richard
– Rudy joins the foursome alliance
– Gervase’s sexist comment
– Gervase doing NOTHING <3
– Eating dog food
– Joel suggesting Pagong to stick together
– Joel being Captain America
– Poor chicken slaughter part 2
– Joel getting the blame for Gervase
– Gretchen’s spelling of Joel
Rating: 7.5/10

Cast Ranking

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