Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×01 City Of…

It was a wicked pilot, felt very much like Batman only with a vampire in his place. Even Russell’s home had that classic Bat villain feel to it. The pilot kept it’s darkness despite the witty dialogue throughout and was a good set-up for the rest of this show. Got no complaints 🙂

Quote: I’m from Sunnydale. We had our own Hellmouth! I think I’d know a vampire when I’m… alone with him… in his fortress-like home. – Cordelia

– Angel comparing Buffy to a black guy
– Josh Holloway as a vampire
– The classic alley walk’
– Doyle’s introduction / sneezing himself into demon form
– Recap of Angel’s story
– Casting guy hitting on Angel
– Cordy and Angel reunite / Are you still grr?
– Angel jumping into the wrong car
– Tina’s death
– Doyle banging into Russell’s fence and failing to get through
– Can you fly?
– Russell bursting into dust
– Angel calling Buffy (little crossover moment there)
– Cordy basically hiring herself
– “I’m Game”
Rating: 8/10

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