Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×06 Sense and Sensitivity

My issue with S&S was how different it felt like watching compared to the first five, the formula of the show (dark drama with humorous dialogue) turned into pure comedy and a silly one at that. Although the episode doesn’t entirely work, cops on sensitivity training? eh. It still worked for the most part and gave a more humane face to the Kate character. And despite some failed gags, it did have a couple moments that had me laughing out loud.

Quote: My parents were great. Tasted a lot like chicken. – Angel

– Making it seem like Kate was Buffy
– Can you say clueless? – cordelia
– JarJar is getting his own talkshow
– Mr and Mrs Spock
– Angel’s attempt to apologize
– Angel and Doyle interactions
– Kate’s awkward speech
– Elisabeth’s comedic performance is hit-or-miss (but mostly hit :o)
– Angel hugging his friends
– You can be a rainbow and not a painbow XD
Rating: 6.5/10

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