Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×14 I’ve Got You Under My Skin

An interesting Exorcist twist, that the victim was even more vicious than the demon. Apart from that little twist though, it wasn’t anything special and often overrated by some fans. It’s a fairly decent MOTW with slight character development and a good ending. Not as witty as most.

Quote: We can watch tv or play cards. You’ll get caught up, won’t even hear your son’s pain. – Cordeleia

– Cordy making turd brownies
– Knife to kill extinct demons
– Calling Wesley, Doyle
– Lizzie Borden
– Ryan’s bad, Ryan’s always been bad
– The dad’s sudden change of accent
– Doyle’s voice ;_;
– Demon turning out to be the victim
– Kate’s little cameo
Rating: 6/10

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