Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×16 The Ring

The Ring has always been hard one for me to judge, because i’ve always found it’s cliche idea to be pretty cool. The idea of Angel having to go into mortal combat Spartacus-style is something a fanboy like me can’t not enjoy. The problem is that it really is a very pointless stand alone and the only relevant factor was the introduction of my favorite lawyer; Lilah Morgan.The dialogue is mediocre, but the fanboy in me enjoys the episode for what it is.

Quote:Ā Someone ought to create an intra-demon dating base. You know like, where the lonely and the slimy connect. – Cordelia

– Demeons, Demons,Ā DemonsĀ Database
– Fine line between lawyers and demons
– If anyone is wearing a push-up bra it’s… Angel. – Cordelia
– Lilah Morgan!
– The guy from Oz
– Wesley as Robin Hood
– Couldn’t they just have done West Side Story? – Cordy
– Demons attacking the crowd
– The realization that they just set a bunch of demons free
Rating: 5.5/10

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