Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×18 Five By Five

There are several Buffy characters that could have worked better as a main character on Angel, and Faith is absolutely on the top of that list. Not only is she a slayer, but a lost soul trying to find her way which is what Angel is all about. So Faith being brought in the mix was great, it allowed Wolfram & Hart to finally make a mark and start their rampage against Angel and it gave a more serious side to Wesley and show that his character wasn’t there to just be a goofy sidekick. 5×5 worked great as a followup to Buffy’s Season 4 arc and allowed the series to get darker and show what it could do (which we hadn’t seen since Doyle’s departure imo). My minor complaint would be the flashbacks, they were important but I just found them more of a distraction.

Quote: Green is my favorite color. I look good in diamonds. And I love riding in limousines. – Lilah

– Demons dressed like gang members
– Angelus’ gypsy
– Faith dancing to “Living dead girl” <3
– Beating girls down with her ellbow
– The return of Lindsey, Lilah and Lee
– The intense rivalry between Lee and Lilah
– “The gypsies gave you a soul. A filthy soul, no!” – Darla
– Faith smashing Lee’s face against the desk, “She shows initiative.”
– Not even hesitating to shoot Faith
– Angel in a suit
– The chemistry between Angel and Lindsey (DB and CK were bffs in real life)
– “Just when I think I got you figured out, you show up in a suit.” – Lindsey
– Phantom Dennis trying to protect Cordy
– “Hell will freeze over before I have sex with him.” – Cordy, on Wes
– The torturing of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (so sexy)
– Angel vs Faith
– The entire scene in the ally “Angel, just do it, just kill me” 🙁
Rating: 8.5/10

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