Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×13 Enough Is Enough

A pretty boring episode with a few cute moments. I’ve always enjoyed family visits, but an internet cafe isn’t as memorable or emotional. Still memorable, especially Keith’s proposal. The rest of the episode however was about 5 people struggling to move and do anything.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×12 No Longer Just a Game

The only great episode post-Jerri was excellent, it was Survivor at it’s toughest and something that has been rarely seen afterwards. A flood took away their only rice which led to Tina heroically salvaging it, the only time I thought she was ever interesting.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×11 Let’s Make a Deal

Although it has some good things like the first ever auction, I felt as if all the contestants were playing for who can be the most boring. And it was close since all of them were? Jerri’s exit definitely affected this season for the worse.

Angel Angel Season 1

Angel: 1×09 Hero

“Hero” is neck-in-neck with “A Hole in the World” as the most depressing Angel episode imo, and i’m not a major crybaby but it’s tough to hold in the tears while watching it. And you know what gets me the most? Not Doyle’s death, but that tape at the end. Somehow more effective than Doyle being incinerated by that light bulb. I also like the theme of the episode and how the writers turn around the whole nazi/Jewish holocaust thing into Pure Demons taking out the half breeds. The Jewish persecution is a concept that i’ve never seen any other supernatural series try to explore and I thought it was pretty well executed for the limited time and resources that they had. What truly worked about the episode was the loveable and magnificent Doyle who went from a somewhat cowardly weasle to the hero of these people. My only real problem with the episode is that I think it happened too early and should have happened towards the end of Season 1 if not the series finale. Losing Doyle made for a pretty weak second half of the season but despite his limited existence he went down as one of my favorite characters ever.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×10 Honeymoon or Not?

One of the best episodes of the season, but sadly it all goes down from here. Jerri was the season’s last spark of drama and she made this a great one by being extremely cocky and annoying everyone so much that her allies blindsided her. Too bad she was beat out by only pod people.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×09 The First 24 Days: A Closer Look

The first recap episode, although not too exciting it’s one of the better ones. I liked the extra scenes with Kel and Jerri singing “Criminal”. Good enough recap of what’s been going on and never before scenes are always welcome.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×08 Friends?

The only real star in this episode is Jerri, who was basically the only person to bring drama. And she brought a lot of it, somehow inspired everyone to dislike her intensely. Her and lackey Amber were the center of all the drama while everyone else complained about them.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×07 The Merge

Merge episodes are always exciting and this was no difference. It’s a shame that Kimmi doomed her much superior tribe because Ogaboring is in fault of making this season’s endgame very boring.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×06 Trial By Fire

Perhaps the most iconic episode of Survivor that showed the harsh reality that bad things can happen on the show. The episode is most famous for Mike Skupin falling into the fire, but there is another reason why it is one of my favorite episodes. The evil Jerri finally emerged! She had been devilish all season long but here she truly shown. A very good episode of Survivor.

Survivor Survivor Season 2

Survivor: 2×05 The Gloves Come Off

And Kimmi’s journey comes to an end, it’s pretty sad that almost all my favorite Australian Outback contestants were voted off pre-merge. Kimmi added such an interesting dynamic and her vegetarian rivalry with savage Mike made for a very interesting first five episodes.