An episode that is a slow burner and not overly exciting until the end, but has a magnificent plot twist and lead performance. The story is about a man on a ship paying for his past sins, he is in hell but doesn’t know about it and has a strange feeling of Deja Vu.
Author: jdsarmiento
A really fantastic episode about a man who thinks he’ll die if he falls asleep. The episode is structured like a movie and the dreams are haunting and enchanting. It’s a superbly done episode with great directing and music. One of my favorites from the first season.
Angel: 1×06 Sense and Sensitivity
My issue with S&S was how different it felt like watching compared to the first five, the formula of the show (dark drama with humorous dialogue) turned into pure comedy and a silly one at that. Although the episode doesn’t entirely work, cops on sensitivity training? eh. It still worked for the most part and gave a more humane face to the Kate character. And despite some failed gags, it did have a couple moments that had me laughing out loud.
Angel: 1×05 Rm w/a Vu
This is one of those episodes that are hurt with repeated viewings. It was a favorite of mine once upon a time, but the flaws of it are too strong to overlook. For a character as great as Doyle, his storyline never really worked (more on that in two episodes). I loved the blewing relationship between him and Angel though, I don’t think that Angel ever was as close to his other guy friends or at least not in the way that he was with Doyle. As for Cordy, her part is pretty great. Some of the ghost stuff is annoying, but the main reason why the episode works is because it had a great ending. The flashback and introduction of Dennis, who should have been a much bigger character than he ended up being. Overall, good episode and it’s a MOTW that actually added something (Dennis the ghost <3).
A lot of talking from four people that weren’t particularly likeable.The final Immunity Challenge and Tribal Council were very explosive and stick out as classic Survivor moments. Great finale if not a little dry,
This was a bit of a slow burner, most of the episode was spent on everyone’s paranoia which is always interesting to watch but in this case it lacked funny moments. Everyone was on edge and ready to back stab the other and the lack of a funn underdog lacked. It was a slow burner but not a bad one.
Even though the last Pagong member being voted off was predictable and unfortunate, the episode itself wasn’t predictable as much. The alliance was prepared to slay one of their own over Colleen, not sure why they didn’t end up doing that but at least they were debating it. There were a lot of great moments here, like Sean seeing his father and the immunity challenge.
Angel: 1×04 I Fall to Pieces
Often considered to be one of the worst episodes of Angel. It is undoubtly weaker than the previous three, but I have always had a soft spot for it. It contains the same formula that worked previously, the darkness and wit. It had some of the best lines yet, the case itself was also quite intrguing. A man who can detach his limbs? Ridiculous but it worked for me. Especially when he started throwing body parts at Angel and co. I enjoy this episode a lot but it’s not that good and obviously flawed.
A neat and somewhat frustrating episode about a little man who only wished to have time enough to read. And when he finally got his wish, he was struck by the worst kind of luck. One of the things this episode most excelled at was the apocalyptic look. It’s a very expensive looking episode for a story as simple as it was. Very well done.
The first episode that I don’t really care about, it’s about a lonesome man imprisoned on an empty planet. He is given a beautiful robot girl to keep him company and he falls for her reluctantly. Robot stories rarely work for me and this is no exception, didn’t get much out of it and there was no twist like with most episodes.