Another excellent episode thanks to Sumburu, that tribe gave us lots of drama. Lindsey became beyond a trainwreck who couldn’t deal having been voted on and Silas cockiness reached full glory. It was all very entertaining to watch.
Africa continues to deliver, the Samburu age conflict reaches it’s high when they are forced to kick out one of their own. The Mallrats making beads and eating the best foods is so bad I loved it. Boran is pretty boring in comparison, but going around in their undies was another big highlight.
Strong episode, same qualities that made the premiere such a success but in moderation. The Blood Drinking Challenge is a personal favorite of mine. Most of all, the great rivalry between the elders and mallrats was slowly brewing.
Africa’s premiere is one of the best premieres. It introduced most characters well, but most of all it introduced the drasticĀ environment and unforgiving Kenya well. And it had drama right away, the bean incident and the gorgeous location made it a great episode.
This is the most boring season finale to date. Having only three people in the end, none of whom was all too interesting just didn’t seem like a good idea. The entire episode was about self-reflection, and it’s something that I would have enjoyed if these people weren’t so damn boring. The main reason why it’s disappointing is because the entire Jury portion was very boring and no one really *brought* it.
Another pretty boring episode, one episode devoted to the final four is not a very good idea. The visit from Colby’s mom was a nice highlight but could have been done the episode prior to it.
A pretty boring episode with a few cute moments. I’ve always enjoyed family visits, but an internet cafe isn’t as memorable or emotional. Still memorable, especially Keith’sĀ proposal. The rest of the episode however was about 5 people struggling to move and do anything.
The only great episode post-Jerri was excellent, it was Survivor at it’s toughest and something that has been rarely seen afterwards. A flood took away their only rice which led to Tina heroically salvaging it, the only time I thought she was ever interesting.
Although it has some good things like the first ever auction, I felt as if all the contestants were playing for who can be the most boring. And it was close since all of them were? Jerri’s exit definitely affected this season for the worse.