Survivor Survivor Season 1

Survivor: 1×02 The Generation Gap

A strong second episode. We got to see more of the Pagong tribe which was relatively ignored in the first episode. I love almost everyone on that tribe, from the B.B. drama to the Greg/Colleen romance. This episode also had some great one-liners from Rudy.


Quote: Me and Richard got to be pretty good friends. Not in a homosexual way that’s for sure. – Rudy

– Rudy and Stacey not getting along
– B.B. holding Greg up by his hair
– Richard openly discussing his sexual orientation
– Rudy and Richard getting to be pretty good friends (but not in a homosexual way)
– Bloom of the Greg/Colleen showmance
– Pagong having fun at night
– Sean’s super pole
– B.B. washing his clothes in clean water
– B.B. going off on his tribe
– The awesome first ever food challenge
– Gervase drama queening & Stacy’s victory
Rating: 7.5/10

Cast Ranking

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