One of the best episodes of the season, but sadly it all goes down from here. Jerri was the season’s last spark of drama and she made this a great one by being extremely cocky and annoying everyone so much that her allies blindsided her. Too bad she was beat out by only pod people.
Quote: This is basically the perfect honeymoon without the sex. – Jerri
– Jerri and Colby somehow ending up on the same team to everyone else’s annoyance
– There’s nothing fair about this – Jerri
– Colby causing Jerri physical harm in the challenge
– Jerri/Colby’s honeymoon trip – Jerri being super giddy while Colby trashed her every chance he got O_o
– Diving in the great barrier reef
– Colby bringing back presents and making Jerri look worse in the process
– Nick winning something
– The great Jerri betrayal ;_;”Checkmate you guys got me”
Rating: 8.5/10
Cast Ranking