The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone Season 1

The Twilight Zone: 1×12 What You Need

An interesting episode with an interesting twist, about an old man who could help people by giving them small things that they needed. One man took abuse of him and to get things to improve his own life. It’s a well done episode but not one that stands out above others.

Quote: Serenity, peace of mind, humor, the ability to laugh at oneself. Those are the things you need most, but it’s beyond my power to give them to you. – Pedott

 “You’re looking at Mr. Fred Renard, who carries on his shoulder a chip the size of the national debt. This is a sour man; a friendless man; a lonely man; a grasping, compulsive, nervous man. This is a man who has lived thirty-six undistinguished, meaningless, pointless, failure-laden years and who at this moment looks for an escape—any escape, any way, anything, anybody—to get out of the rut. And this little old man is just what Mr. Renard is waiting for.”
– Pedott giving people in a bar what they need
– Hooking two people up at the bar
– Renard staring at Pedott
– Renard forcing himself onto Pedott
– Being saved by the scissors he got
– Renard forcing Pedott to give him more lucky things
– Pedott giving Renard slippery shoes
– Renard being killed by a car
– Shot of the slippery shoes
– “Street scene. Night. Traffic accident. Victim named Fred Renard, gentleman with a sour face to whom contentment came with difficulty. Fred Renard, who took all that was needed—in the Twilight Zone.”
Rating: 7/10

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